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326 Ovens Park Rd
Riverport, Nova Scotia, B0J 2W0



Rustic Cabins

The park features eight rustic housekeeping cabins ranging from our two bedroom log cabins with electric fireplaces and full baths, to comfortable two bedroom family cabins and pine-lined kitchenette studios for couples and small families. For details on rates, check out our rates page.

Check In Time: 1:00pm for tents and RV's, 4:00pm for Cabins

Check Out Time: 11:00am for All

Ovens Natural Park. Moon Rise From Cabin #5

Ovens Natural Park. Moon Rise From Cabin #5


• Cabin Details and Rates •

Cabin # 1 - $85.00 per night

This cabin is cozy, rustic and quaint. It used to be the old Ice House on the property in the early 1900’s. This camping cabin is equipped with one double bed, toilet and sink. There is no shower in the cabin and offers cold water only. There is electric heat for those cool fall nights!

Cabin #1 - Main Interior Panorama

Cabin #1 - Exterior

Cabin # 3 - $160.00 per night

This cabin is great for two couples or two adults and two children. Cabin # 3 has two bedrooms with double beds, kitchen and bath with a shower. The cabin features a deck and has a beautiful view of the ocean. Cabin # 3 is basic, but has electric heat and all the necessary comforts.

Cabin #3 - Main Interior Panorama

Cabin #3

Cabin # 4 - $125.00 per night

Cabin # 4 is a charming and rustic Camping Cabin. It features the the best view in the park from its cozy deck and is just a stones throw from the sea cave hiking trail. This cabin features one double bed, kitchen and bathroom, with a shower.

Cabin # 5 and Cabin # 6 - $110.00 per night

Both cabins feature beautiful board and batten wood working, one double bed, one bunk bed above it. There is a kitchenette in the main room and a small bathroom with a shower. These cozy cabins have an excellent proximity to the ocean, store and restaurant (restaurant open late June - Labour Day). These cabins also feature electric heat for those cool fall evenings. Maximum 2 adults.

Cabin #6 - Interior Panorama (Cabin #5 shares identical layout)

Cabin #5, #6 & #7 - Exterior

Cabin # 7 - $110.00 per night

Cabin # 7 features beautiful board and batten wood working and two single beds. There is a kitchenette in the main room and a small bathroom with a shower. This cozy cabin has a excellent ocean view and is near the store and restaurant (restaurant open late June - Labour Day). This cabins also feature electric heat for those cool fall evenings. Maximum 2 adults.

Cabin #7 - Interior

Cabin # 8 and Cabin # 9 - $220.00 per night

Cabin #8 and Cabin # 9 are two lovely and identical cabins that sit side by side, over looking the ocean. The cabins have two bedrooms, each with a double bed and an incredible view of the ocean from the the covered porch. There is an electric fire place in the living room, full kitchen and a bathroom with a shower. These cabins are set up for two adults and two children (children under the age of 16).

Cabin #9 - Exterior Panorama (Cabin #8 shares identical layout & amenities)

Cabin #9 - 1st Bedroom Panorama (Cabin #8 shares identical layout & amenities)

Cabin #9 - 2nd Bedroom Panorama (Cabin #8 shares identical layout & amenities)


The Ovens Natural Park     Phone 902.766.4621    Email: