The Ovens Park is Closed for the Season to all Visitors. Thanks for a great Season. We will open for the 2025 Season on May 16th!

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326 Ovens Park Rd
Riverport, Nova Scotia, B0J 2W0


Employment Opportunities


The 2025 season is just around the corner and we will be hiring! If you are reliable, can multi-task, are able to work independently as well as with a team and are interested in a position where you spend your summers on the ocean working with other amazing people please send us your resume for the following positions:

Customer Service/Gate Attendant

We have multiple positions available on our front line. Some responsibilities will include greeting guests (overnight, day visitors and restaurant patrons), answering phones, store sales, processing reservations and payments and offering historic tours as well as gold-pan demonstrations to our guests. Multiple positions are available, full-time and part-time. Starting dates are staggered May/June and July 2025


General maintenance position available, experience would be an asset but we will train anyone who wants to learn. Some duties would include grounds maintenance, bathroom cleaning and inspections, garbage pick up through out the park, recycling etc. Hand tool skills would be an asset as well as a drivers license. Multiple positions available, part-time and full-time. Possible start date April/May (weather dependent)

Housekeeping Attendant

Housekeeping required for 8 on site cabins as well a other housekeeping duties. We are seeking full-time and part-time employees from May - October for our housekeeping departments. We are excited to have candidates with tourism and hospitality experience, but we also provide opportunities for entry level staff and will provide training. There are 2 positions available 1 part-time and 1 full-time.

Assets for this position would include: organization, attention to detail, a love for cleaning and working with others as well as solo, flexibility in scheduling, must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Our team is multi-generational with a wide varieties of skills and experience in most disciplines. This environment is ideal for energetic people who want to showcase their existing skills and knowledge and gain on-the-job experience with a supportive team.

Job Types: Full-time, Seasonal


We are currently looking for line cooks, bakers, dishwashers, takeout staff, servers to work in our oceanfront kitchen and restaurant located in the park. We feature daily specials and large outdoor patio. Live music is performed 6 nights a week. Start date is expected to be mid-June, 2025.

Kayak Tour Guide/Zodiac Operator and Tour Guide

Our Tour Guides offer interpretation of the natural environment and history of the park, and once training is complete will be able to answer most questions our guests have about the plants, animals, geology and historic significance of The Ovens and other key areas of Lunenburg County. They will be responsible for guiding groups along the Sea Cave Trail, discussing points of interest and answering questions while ensuring guest safety. While there is a script that may be followed for the tour, our Guides are trained to always keep an eye out for the "wow" moments that can make each trip unique, whether it's spotting wildlife or anticipating when the waves will put on a particularly good show in the caves. On Cunard's Beach, our Guides teach guests how to pan for gold and assist them in identifying real gold from the various other minerals that are often found, such as sulphur and fool's gold. While they work, they will be able to integrate talking points about the human impact on the park, what we do now to protect the environment, and ongoing concerns such as coastal erosion and invasive species. While on tour they are responsible for setting a comfortable pace for their group while keeping to a schedule and may cater each tour to spend more time on topics of particular interest to their clients.  They may also be asked to assist with guiding tours with kayaks or on a zodiac to access the caves from the water, or to assist in maintenance associated with the watercraft.  While not on tour they are encouraged to further their own knowledge of the local area, and assist with other areas of operation such as Maintenance and Customer Service. Possible start date is May 8th, 2025. Please forward a resume with references and credentials.

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