The Ovens Park is Closed for the Season to all Visitors. Thanks for a great Season. We will open for the 2025 Season on May 16th!

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326 Ovens Park Rd
Riverport, Nova Scotia, B0J 2W0


Ovens Media Content 2014_53.jpg


• day visitors - Park pass •

All visitors must stop and check in at the main building.

Park Hours : May - October 8:30 am to dusk

(we do accept visa, mastercard, debit or cash)

ADULT - $12.00

Children (5-15Yrs) AND Seniors (65+) - $8.00


Children  Under 5 yrs - FREE

(large group ie. class trips, boy scouts, etc: please call the office for pricing and to let the park know of your arrival)

              Dogs are permitted in the park and must be kept on a leash at all times.  Please pick up after your four-legged friend and dispose of in the garbage cans located throughout the park.

Group Gold Panning Demo.…$5.00 per person Historic Guided Walking Tour for groups….$5.00 per person

(it is best to be booked in advance to ensure availability of our guides minimum 10 people)

Gold Pan Rentals………..$6.00 plus $25.00 refundable cash only deposit

• Non Serviced Site Rates • 

  • Single Site Accommodates: A Family of 2 Adults and 3 Children under 16, 1 vehicle, 1 tent (not including a dining tent). No trailers/campers/RV’s are permitted on the tent sites(this includes utility trailers).

  • Fee of $12.00 Charged Per Extra Adult; 4 Adults Maximum Per Site (in the same family) and a fee of $6.00 Charged per extra Child; $5.00 Charged per pet per day (max. 2)

  • Park Admission included with all tenting sites, including access to the gold-panning beach and sea cave trail.

  • One Car permitted per Camp Site. All cars must be registered at the Front Gate, providing license plate number, colour, and make/model. $7.50 Per Additional Vehicle and must be parked in assigned area.

Non Serviced Site Rates - Nightly (Per Tent) $45.00

Rates Include up to 2 adults, 3 children under 16 and 1 vehicle.

(Sites in this catagory include the 100's, 200's, and 600's) ***NOTE: sites 132 - 138 are walk-in sites only, no vehicles permitted)

• Service Site Rates •

  • Single Site Accommodates: A Family of 2 Adults and 3 Children under 16, 1 vehicle.

  • Fee of $12.00 Charged Per Extra Adult; 4 Adults Maximum Per Site (in the same family) and a fee of $6.00 Charged per extra Child; $5.00 Charged per pet per day (max. 2)

  • Park Admission included with all RV/trailer sites, including access to the gold-panning beach and sea cave trail.

  • One Car permitted per Camp Site. All cars must be registered at the Front Gate, providing license plate number, colour, and make/model. $7.50 Per Additional Vehicle and must be parked in assigned area.

Electric & Water Serviced Sites - Nightly $75.00

Rates Include up to 2 adults, 3 children under 16 and 1 vehicle. ……suitable for tents and small trailers, oceanfront

(Sites in this category include the 500's - up to 20' in length 501 -504, tents/mini-van camping 505-508, all with 15 amp service)

Electric, Water & Sewage Serviced Sites - Nightly $78.00

Rates Include up to 2 adults, 3 children under 16 and 1 vehicle (no tents permitted), ocean views

(Sites in this catagory include 325 to 331 - up to 30' in length, all with 30 amp service)

Electric, Water & Sewage Serviced Sites - Nightly $78.00

Rates Include up to 2 adults, 3 children under 16 and 1 vehicle (no tents permitted on a 300 site), ocean views

(Sites in this catagory include sites 315 to 322 - up to 30 ' in length, all with 30 amp service)

Electric, Water & Sewage Serviced Oceanfront Sites - Nightly $85.00

Rates Include up to 2 adults, 3 children under 16 and 1 vehicle(no tents permitted) oceanfront

(Sites in this category include sites 301 to 313 - up to 30' in length, all with 30 amp service)

• Camping Cabin Rates •

                                         (2 night minimum for all cabin bookings. Rates are based on double occupancy)

                                                        Additional adults are $20.00 per night, additional children are $10.00


The Ovens Natural Park     Phone 902.766.4621    Email: